Toronto Skyline

Toronto Skyline

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

How I almost met the stars of Beauty and the Beast

I have had a very busy week and there have only been 2 days so far.

April showers have come which put a bit of a damper on star spotting (or location stalking), but I'll get to that later.

First off, Monday I found a set of trucks lined up along the street near my office. While fetching lunch for my bosses, I spotted the trucks and just had to know who was filiming in my area. I delayed my return to the office long enough to check out the wagons and trucks for signage. It was hard too. The one that looked like a star wagon had no signs on the windows so I felt discouraged. How was I going to find out who belonged to these trucks? I couldn't go much further than the one wagon because of having to get back to the office with my box of food.

Behind that one wagon was a pick-up truck, on the dashboard was my answer. A black case with a florescent page attached to it saying "BATB Signage Kit". My heart beat faster and my feet became light as I knew there was potential to meet the stars of the new Beauty and the Beast show.

I returned to location stalking on my lunch break that day. I spent 45 minutes wandering in circles around the area looking for the star wagons because the ones I found earlier were all tech. I could not find them.

After work I wandered the line of tech trucks again trying to find someone to talk to and to thank for working on this show that I melt over the romantic stories of. I found a lackey wearing a vest from another awesome show (Covert Affairs who were back in studio on Monday according to twitter feeds of Chris Gorham, Peter Gallager and Piper Perabo), but he knew nothing about this location. Saddened that I wouldn't see anything or meet anyone, I went home in the rain. Turns out the shoot location was one block further east than I went. D'oh!

Yesterday I left for work in the morning and saw a bunch of the signature orange location cones set up along the street outside my house (2 blocks total on both sides of the street) and anticipated returning home on the off chance that whoever it was would still be working so I could find out who.

I completely forgot about it until I got within 3 blocks of home and the streetcar driver announces "There's a movie shoot happening so it will take a while to get through". I almost jumped out the window wanting to get on foot over to the shooting location to learn who was in my hood.

As I approached the tent covering the monitors for the production staff I saw the bright lights of a location and a giant grey cart that moves equipment branded in black electrical tape with "BATB" and a few claw marks.... I imediatly tweeted "OMG!! BATB is filming in front of me" or something like that. From 3 stores away I was able to see Kristen and the back of Jay's ball cap clad head. And after watching a take I actually saw his face as he returned to his mark to do it again.

After a couple of takes in the rain, they called lunch. Kristen and Jay were ushered across the street and into vans to head back to wherever their trailers were kept and I was left on the street very disappointed.

I headed home (only a block away from the shooting location) and proceeded to turn into a pumpkin as I was feeling ill. I curled up in a ball and watched online episodes on my iPad because I was too unwell to venture out in the rain and stalk the lovely pair again.

Kristen and Jay (and the crew of BATB) I hope you enjoyed Cabbagetown. Please come back when I'm well and it's not raining, I'd really love to meet you. Thank you for making a great show with fantastic romantic storylines.

Beauty and the Beast airs Thursdays at 9pm on Showcase in Canada and on the CW network in the US. All us Beasties are still waiting to hear if we'll get to enjoy a second season which would give me the opportunity to try and find them again.

Hotness Alert

Anyone who has read my posts about Lost Girl knows that I have an awesome upstairs neighbor who works in the TV industry and is a crew member on Lost Girl. He has gotten me swag in Season 2 (signed pictures and crew only soundtracks) and has offered to take me to the set (though that has yet to happen).

With Anna Silk (Succubus Bo, the lead character) about to have her baby, filming of Season 4 has been delayed. They usually go back to set in April and wrap in the August/September. Since Anna's still pregnant at this point, that's a little hard to do. The filming for Season 4 has been pushed to June as they wait for Anna to have her baby and be ready to return.

What is my most fabulous neighbor to do? He needs to work and wants to work. My Neighbor will be working on a new show until Lost Girl gets up and running again.

There's a new kid on the block in Toronto and it's name is Bitten. Let me tell you what I know.

Bitten is based on a novel of the same name by Canadian author Kelly Armstrong. I've requested this book from the library and will be receiving it any day now so I'll have more knowledge of the plot/world once I've read it.

The show will be set in Toronto and the GTA and focuses on the only female werewolf known. Since there is only one female werewolf, there has to be a lot of hot guy werewolves... this logic rings true based on the casting notice I read today. Holy Crap Hot Guys!!!! I really hope my neighbor can hook me up (with swag, I love my husband, mind out of the gutter). 

The main character Elena will be portrayed by Laura Vandervoort (SuperGirl from Smallville). Supporting her are a host of hot males. Here is a picture of the guys with their character name (and a couple of supporting females).

I don't know when I'll be able to see this fantastic cast do their thing on the small screen, but I eagerly await it's coming. 

More info can be found here. I'll post more when I know more, until then I'll settle for the book and have these faces in my head when I'm reading.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Spring is coming

I know I haven't posted in a while. I've been busy with my life, family and changing jobs.

I really want to get back into blogging about the awesome television and movies filmed in Toronto. And with the warming of the seasons the location trucks will be easier to spot as I ride bikes and walk through the city.

I know that there is a new werewolf show "Bitten" being filmed in the city at this time. My awesome upstairs neighbour is working on it while Lost Girl is between seasons. Lost Girl goes back to filming in July thanks to a delay due to star Anna Silk having her baby.

Beauty and the Beast is almost wrapped for the season. Nikita is still shooting the end of their current season and there are many others that will be starting up over the summer and into the fall. Warehouse13, Suits, Rookie Blue and the list goes on.

I love Toronto and the tv/film industry. I will do my best to pop in and write about anything I see, hear or can speculate on. If you are out there and care, stay tuned.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Warehouse13 Rocks!!

As I wander the streets of Toronto I stumble over many a filming location. I spot those white trucks and trailers and get a little giddy inside. Is it a series I watch? Will I find an actor I know? It's so fun. My neighborhood of Cabbagetown gets them a lot.

I live near Allen Gardens which is a big park with a gorgeous greenhouse. This park has been used by Rookie Blue (S1 Chris' sting location), my beloved Flashpoint (S4 episode about a cop who shot a kid which had filming happening on my wedding day), Nikita (episode about mind control/mental conditioning) and recently trucks were set up for XIII: The Series season 2 (based on the signs on the dressing room doors).

Others in the area were Covert Affairs near the big cemetery and The Firm filming in my own church. Warehouse13 has been in the hood multiple times as well.

I've been finding Warehouse13 sites frequently in the last few years. My husband and I were walking to the grocery store down a laneway and when we turned the corner we found lights and cameras and lots of crew. It was cool, I saw a take and then they let us walk through on our way. I asked who it was and it was Warehouse13 (this was a S2 or 3 episode I saw it recently but can't remember which). They were also filming at the United Church down the street recently for a Season 4 episode.

My big problem is that Warehouse13 is not currently airing on any channels that I have access to. I found a Season 1 episode at some point last year but had never seen the show advertised on any of my channels or found any episodes since. I've spent the last week enjoying episodes found in the depths of the internet and have caught up on the first 3 seasons coming to the conclusion that this show is awesome and that I really want to see season 4 (and any future seasons) on my TV.

I've asked the official twitter account @Warehouse13 if they're airing in Canada but we'll just have to wait and see.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

My Beloved Flashpoint is ending

The 5th season is currently in production in Toronto for My Beloved Flashpoint. An announcement has been made that this upcoming 5th season (airing Thursday nights at 10pm on CTV) will be the last for the SRU Team 1 crew.

I'm saddened by this news but also looking forward to it. Since it is the show that has decided to make this season it's final run, the writers can do amazing things to make these final shows something special. Also, when a show is ending at a good point, the writers can provide us fans with resolution and closure rather than the shows that are just not picked up for another season and are left with cliffhangers and questions.

If Flashpoint had ended unexpectedly last season (season 3) I would have lost it because there would have been no closure on Ed's being shot or on the psychologist Toth (the fabulous Mr. Victor Garber) and his thoughts on the team dynamic.

Season 4 ended on a good note with family and friends and happiness. No unanswered questions or drama, so what will season 5 bring? I can't wait to find out in September.

Is it too soon to start a countdown when the actual premier date hasn't been set?

Any Baggage?

Rookie Blue has returned. The saga of Sam Swarek and Andy McNalley is back. The first episode of Season 3 has started with a bang!

Season 2 ended with Sam asking Andy if she wanted to try "being normal" together. She said yes and got in his truck. Season 3 opens with Andy jumping out of a plane and then returning to Toronto for her suspension tribunal.

Arriving at the airport planning to catch a cab, she finds Sam (in uniform) waiting for her with a sign that reads "Dummy" like an old school chauffeur. In a move that had me laughing out loud, Sam asks "Any Baggage" and Andy responds "No!... yes..." it was great. First thought I had with the "No" was "he's right in front of you!", but the real baggage was the luggage that included a beautiful wooden canoe paddle. I want it for my next wilderness adventure! If there was a contest to win that paddle, I would do almost ANYTHING to win it (even though I'm probably too short for it to be functional).

There was a lot of action and investigation in the episode and some great partnering between Sam & Andy (they really do work well together). There was tearful emotional moments with guest star William Shatner, there were brief yet touching moments between Frank & Noelle, and the enigma that is the new rookie and the black hole that is his past with Peck.

In the end, Andy is reinstated and she and Sam have a conversation about finding a way to "Start". The best way to start is with a kiss!

Can't wait to see what happens next. We knew that things would never be easy with Sam and Andy and as fans can we really let it be that easy. The chase, the attempt, the tension and laughter is so fun and will make it so much more worth it in the end.

Now we just need to find a perfect someone for Luke and the world will be a happy place.

Rookie Blue is filmed in Toronto and airs on Global TV Thursdays at 10pm.

Time Traveling Terrorists

Last Sunday was the first episode of the new show Continuum on Showcase. The first episode was great and I'm looking forward to more of it this summer.

There was drama and loss from the main character Kiera as she is torn from her home and family in 2077 Vancouver,  pulled into the past by the terrorist group Liber8 as they execute their plan to change the future. Kiera has to find a way to understand their purpose, capture/neutralize them and protect others from their ruthless tactics. Without ruining the future, she needs to work with techno-genius Alec and 2012 Hottie Cop Carlos (Victor Webster - yummmy). It will be interesting to see what happens.

Our Liber8 antagonists are star studded as well. Their leader, still in 2077 is Tony Amendola (Bra'tac on Stargate SG1 and Geppetto on Once Upon A Time - both filmed in Vancouver) but the group in 2012 includes some faces that I've had fun watching before and look forward to getting to see more of. Screen time was limited for Terry Chen (Combat Hospital) but he was a scary bad-ass dude who threw a knife at someone's head and hit a mannequin instead, missing by inches with the response "I missed", dude, even with a miss, I don't want to be on his bad side. The other face I want to see is Lexa Doig (Andromeda and SG1), this character will be very different from those that I've seen her in before, so I'm excited to see her in a darker role.

Continuum has gotten off to a great start. There was a scene at the beginning that started me asking questions and it was (to a degree) touched on at the end but in a way that makes me want to see the rest of that story. The time scape has been used sparingly in the first outing and I'm looking forward to seeing how scenes from 2077 help answer questions and further the story.

At the beginning-ish of the episode, Kiera's husband is with a man ("Smoking Man" or "Cancer Man" from X-Files) watching the execution of the Liber8 terrorists and the husband freaks out when he sees Kiera inside the chamber. After arguing (we don't get to hear the content) with someone and gesturing towards Kiera, Cancer Man is looked at for an answer and after his head shakes, the someone declines the husband's request. Kiera then notices that a prisoner has something in his hand and rushes forward to enter the radius of those being transported to the past in the middle of a violent reaction which tears apart the chamber and kills some present. When the dust settles, Cancer Man is sitting in his seat, unmoved, smiling at the empty spot in the chamber where Kiera was seconds before. At the end of the episode Kiera is introduced to Cancer Man by her husband. This man is his boss Alec Saddler (the same tech-savvy kid who helped Kiera out through the episode).

2012 Alec advised the viewers through Kiera of 2 schools of thought on time travel. The 1st being, you go to the past, don't mess anything up because you're not supposed to be there and you could cause your existence to cease by one wrong move. 2nd school is that the time travel was supposed to happen because it already did in order for your time to develop and now you're taking the steps necessary to form your future in the right way.

Based on 2077 Alec's greeting to Kiera of "long overdue" I'm betting we're looking at the 2nd school at work.

Till next time, will you protect the future, or destroy it?

Continuum airs Sundays at 10pm on Showcase in Canada.