I work at Starbucks and I meet people all day long. I've had the fun of ringing through an order for crew members of different productions as they fetch coffee for someone 'important' or just something for themselves.
I have also on occasion met people who act in things that I plan to review on this blog. I've served Sergio di Zio of my beloved Flashpoint on multiple occasions and even though I try to keep my cool in front of him, I probably looked like a crazy fan girl. One day while working at a location that isn't my home store, I served a crew member of The Firm who had a very large drink order for the location shoot nearby. 20 drinks and some fun deciphering the handwriting later, I really wished I could have helped him carry all the drinks over to the site. But alas, I was needed behind the cash.
This afternoon a lovely gentleman came up to my register holding a script in his hands as he chatted with one of my regular customers. Turns out he's a regular on The Firm. He hasn't shown up yet (we are only 2 episodes in at the moment), his debut will be in "chapter 5" which will air in 2 weeks. His name is Darrin Baker and he will be playing Gordon Shanley the ADA that will butt heads with our hero Mitch. I'm looking forward to watching and reviewing. Darrin Baker took down the address for this site (and my name) and said he'd check it out. He also said he'd come back to the store so we could chat about the show. I'm kind of excited.
Based on the lovely IMDB, Darrin Baker has been in several other shows that I enjoy including my beloved Flashpoint. He was in the Season 2 episode "Custody" where a lawyer (Baker) is taken hostage by a distraught father when his wife wins custody of his children planning to take them away forever (insert dramatic musical chords - dun dun dun style). I may just have to see if I can find this episode somewhere soon so I can remember it more clearly.
NOTE: I promise I will review episode 2 tonight. I'm taking a class and have to do some writing for it first. I don't think anyone is hanging on my words and thoughts of the show, but I'm dramatically overdue for my own preference.
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